Renqian Luo的肖像

Renqian Luo

Senior Researcher


I am a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research AI4Science (opens in new tab). Previously, I was a Researcher of Deep and Reinforcement Learning Group (opens in new tab), Machine Learning Group (opens in new tab) at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) (opens in new tab). Currently, my research focus on deep learning, natural language processing, foundation model, large language model, with special interests in science and healthcare.

I received my Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (opens in new tab), School of Computer Science and Technology (opens in new tab) in 2021, in a joint Ph.D. program (opens in new tab) with USTC and MSRA, advised by Dr. Tao Qin (opens in new tab) and Prof. Enhong Chen (opens in new tab). Prior to that, I obtained the Bachelor’s degree from the same university in 2016. During that, my research focus on deep learning, automated machine learning, neural architecture search and their applications on natural language processing, speech processing, computer vision.

I participated in the development of machine translation system that achieved human parity on Chinese-English machine translation in 2018, and won champion on Chinese-English translation task in WMT 19 World Machine Translation Competition in 2019.

My representative works include : NAO, LightSpeech, NAS-BERT, BioGPT.

See all the publications at Google Scholar (opens in new tab).

Feel free to contact for collaboration via E-mail:


  • Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China, 2016.9 – 2021.6
    • School of Computer Science and Technology, Joint Ph.D. program with Microsoft Research Asia
  • B.E., University of Science and Technology of China, 2012.8 – 2016.6
    • School of Computer Science and Technology

