Portrait de Roy Zimmermann

Roy Zimmermann

Director, Research Engagement

À propos

Roy is a Director in Microsoft Research Outreach where he leads special initiatives and helps strengthen Microsoft’s institutional relationships with universities and other partners around the world. Roy works with research and product groups inside Microsoft to help amplify and accelerate their work and strengthen and foster new research partnerships and relationships with universities, governments, industry and other organizations worldwide.

Prior to joining Microsoft, Roy spent eleven years working with public and private sector partners and universities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. His work involved building institutional capacity at universities and helping to increase access and improve the quality of K12 education through appropriate uses of technology.

Roy also spent five years at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting working with public television and PBS Kids developing new educational media and children’s television programming. He has worked as a classroom teacher in the US and overseas with the Peace Corps in Papua New Guinea. Roy received a PhD in education from UCLA where his research focused on effective integration of technology in secondary schools.