Sebastian de la Chica的肖像

Sebastian de la Chica

Principal Applied Science Manager


I manage a team of applied scientists in the Microsoft Search, Assistant and Intelligence (MSAI (opens in new tab)) organization. We research and develop ML/NLP models deployed across the M365 (opens in new tab) suite of products to help users manage the ever increasing information overload from different communication channels. Previously at Microsoft, I led science and engineering teams responsible for Contextual Ranking in Bing Web Search. My primary research interests include personalization, ranking, and evaluation metrics. I have a PhD from the University of Colorado at Boulder where I worked on multi-document summarization and link prediction for knowledge representations that support personalized learning systems. Prior to Microsoft I spent 10 years in small companies and startups working on dynamic data visualization tools, telecommunications network management, and digital rights management for ebooks (was DigitalOwl’s (opens in new tab) VP of Engineering, a startup funded by Noro-Moseley and Draper Atlantic).


Former Interns