Portrait de Sergio Valcarcel Macua

Sergio Valcarcel Macua

Senior Research Scientist

À propos

I am Senior Research Scientist within LEAP – Language, Learning, Audio, Privacy (opens in new tab) group, focused on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Games (opens in new tab). I am passionate about the application of AI for solving real world problems and improving people’s lives. I am also an enthusiastic Scrum (opens in new tab) and more generally Agile (opens in new tab) advocate!

Most of my work has focused on single- and multi-agent decision making, especially optimisation and reinforcement learning, and more recently on developing high performance implementations of deep learning models for graph neural networks and natural language processing applications.

Before joining Microsoft Research, I was team lead at Graphcore and Secondmind. I have been Research Associate at Carnegie Mellon University, and Research Visitor at INRIA Nord and at University of California, Los Angeles. I received my PhD from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.