Portrait of Subru Krishnan

Subru Krishnan

Principal Architect

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Subru is a Principal Architect at Microsoft in the GSL team, currently focusing on using ML to improve cluster resource management efficiency at large scale. Previously at Microsoft, Subru was a Principal Research Engineer working on different aspects of YARN scheduling, specifically scaling it to 50K+ nodes and providing SLA guarantees.

The work is a critical driver for the internal Cosmos BigData clusters having scheduled nearly one trillion tasks that manipulated close to a Zettabyte of production data.

Prior to Microsoft, Subru worked at Yahoo! where he contributed to Oozie’s precursor, near real-time stream processing on Hadoop and HBase replication.

He is also a member of the Apache Hadoop PMC where he has been actively contributing since 2007 with emphasis on YARN resource management.

Subru’s research interests include large scale distributed systems, data science lifecycle automation platforms.