Suman Nath的肖像

Suman Nath

Partner Research Manager


Suman Nath

I am a research manager at Microsoft Research Redmond. I obtained my M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University (opens in new tab), under the guidance of Prof. Srinivasan Seshan (opens in new tab). Before that, I got my Bachelor’s degree from the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (opens in new tab), Bangladesh.

My current research interest is developing practical tools for configuring, testing, debugging, and monitoring cloud applications.

Awards and Honors

  • IEEE Fellow
  • ACM Distinguished Member
  • Best Paper Award in ACM SoCC 2022 (opens in new tab), for the paper: How to Fight Production Incidents? An Empirical Study on a Large-scale Cloud Service, by Supriyo Ghosh, Manish Shetty, Chetan Bansal, and Suman Nath
  • Best Paper Award in ACM SOSP 2019 (opens in new tab), for the paper: Efficient and Scalable Thread-Safety Violation Detection — Finding thousands of concurrency bugs during testing, by Guangpu Li, Shan Lu, Madanlal Musuvathi, Suman Nath, Rohan Padhye
  • Selected for a special TKDE issue for the best papers in ICDE’14 (opens in new tab): Mercury: A Memory-Constrained Spatio-temporal Real-time Search on Microblogs, by A. Magdy, M. Mokbel, S. Elnikety, S. Nath, and Y. He,
  • Best Paper Award in MobiSys’12 (opens in new tab) for the paper: ACE: Exploiting Correlation for Energy-Efficient and Continuous Context Sensing, by S. Nath,
  • Best Paper Award in SSTD’11 (opens in new tab) for the paper: FAST: A Generic Framework for Flash-Aware Spatial Trees, by M. Sarwat, M. Mokbel, X. Zhou, and S. Nath
  • Best Paper Award in ICDE’08 (opens in new tab) for the paper: COLR-Tree: Communication Efficient Spatio-Temporal Index for a Sensor Data Web Portal, by Y. Ahmad and S. Nath
  • Selected for a special journal issue for the best papers in VLDB ’08: Online Maintenance of Very Large Random Samples on Flash Storage, by S. Nath and P.B. Gibbons.
  • Best paper award in NSDI ’06 (opens in new tab) for the paper: Availability of Multi-Object Operations, by H. Yu, P.B. Gibbons and S.K. Nath.
  • Best Paper Award in  BaseNets’04 (opens in new tab) for the paper: A Distributed Filtering Architecture for Multimedia Sensors, S. Nath, Y. Ke, P. B. Gibbons, B. Karp, and S. Seshan