Richard Turner的肖像

Richard Turner

Visiting Researcher


Professor Richard E. Turner is a Visiting Researcher within Microsoft Research (MSR) AI4Science, based in Cambridge. He is also a full professor in machine learning at the University of Cambridge. There he directs a research group that specialises in deep probabilistic machine learning, with a particular recent focus on spatio-temporal prediction and environmental science. He is a fellow of the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). He completed his PhD in theoretical neuroscience and machine learning at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London under supervision of Maneesh Sahani. He spent his Postdoctoral Fellowship with Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani at the University of Cambridge and Prof. Eero Simoncelli at New York University.

Rich is co-author on a number of influential papers on continual learning for neural networks, the relationship between randomly initialised neural networks and Gaussian Processes, and pathologies of variational inference.