Portrait de Tian Xie

Tian Xie

Principal Research Manager

À propos

I am a Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research working at the intersection of deep learning and materials discovery. I am interested in solving the global sustainability challenges by combining innovations from deep learning, large-scale molecular simulation, materials science. I work with a highly interdisciplinary team to rethink the paradigm for materials discovery, aiming for solving sustainability related problems with real-world impact.

Before joining MSR, I was a postdoc in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT from 2020 to 2022, co-advised by Tommi Jaakkola and Regina Barzilay. I got my PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at MIT in 2020, advised by Jeffrey C. Grossman. I got my BS in Chemistry at Peking University in 2015. I was a research intern at DeepMind and Google X during my PhD.