Portrait de Vikas Raunak

Vikas Raunak

Senior Research Scientist

À propos

I am a Senior Research Scientist in the Machine Translation Team (opens in new tab) at Microsoft. I received my MS in Language Technologies at the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (opens in new tab), advised by professor Florian Metze (opens in new tab).

My research interests are mainly in Sequence Modeling, Evaluation and Representation Learning with a strong focus on large-scale text and speech (natural language) applications. Specifically, I am interested in:

  • Building computational models which could capture rich sequence-level phenomena (e.g., compositionality) at different scales.
  • Constructing compact representations & systems which could allow accessible manipulations at different levels of abstraction.

The overarching mission of my research is to build scalable, efficient and trustworthy natural language processing (NLP) models & applications which could be reliably used in rich real-world settings.