Yang Liu的肖像

Yang Liu

Senior Researcher


I am a Senior Researcher in Cognitive Services Research Group, working on Natural Language Processing. I received my PhD degree from ILCC, University of Edinburgh (opens in new tab). My main research interest is Text Summarization and Structure Learning.


  • [2023.04] 🚩 I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023.
  • [2023.03] 🚩 We proposed G-Eval (opens in new tab): NLG Evaluation using GPT-4 with Better Human Alignment. It uses GPT-4 as an NLG evaluator. And the most interesting thing we find is GPT-based evaluator has a preference bias towards GPT outputs, even over human high-quality outputs.
  • [2023.03] MACSUM (opens in new tab) dataset for controllable summarization has been accepted by TACL.
  • [2022.11] We release UniSumm (opens in new tab), a SOTA few-shot summarization model, along with a new benchmark SummZoo.
  • [2022.10] Five papers accepted by EMNLP 2022 and its findings.
  • [2022.04] I will be Senior Area Chair for AACL 2022 and Area Chair for COLING 2022.
  • [2022.03] Two papers accepted by ACL 2022 and its findings.
  • [2022.01] Give a talk on Dialogue Summarization at Amazon. (Slides) (opens in new tab)
  • [2021.12] DialogLM is accepted by AAAI 2022.
  • [2021.08] Paper accepted by EMNLP 2021 findings.
  • [2021.05] Three papers accepted by ACL 2021 findings.
  • [2021.03] Two Long papers and one short paper accepted by NAACL 2021.
  • [2021.01] Our RE-T5 model achieved the first place in CommonGen (opens in new tab) competition.
  • [2020.10] Achieved the first place in FEVER (opens in new tab) competition.