Portrait de Ren Yang

Ren Yang

Senior Researcher

À propos

I am a Senior Researcher at the Media Computing Group of Microsoft Research, after half-year experience of Senior Algorithm Researcher at SenseTime. I obtained the degree of Doktor der Wissenschaften (Dr. sc. ETH Zürich) at the Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luc Van Gool and Prof. Dr. Radu Timofte, and received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. During my doctoral studies, I also worked as a Ph.D. researcher at Toyota Research on Automated Cars in Europe (TRACE). Before that, I was a Research Intern at the Intelligent Multimedia Group, Microsoft Research. I obtained the M.Sc. degree in 2019 with the Thesis awarded the Winner of Three Minute Thesis Competition at IEEE ICME 2019, and the Outstanding Master Thesis of Chinese Institute of Electronics.

I am a Session Chair at IJCAI 2022, a Senior Program Committee (SPC) Member at IJCAI 2021, a co-organizer of NTIRE 2024 (CVPR), NTIRE 2023 (CVPR), AIM 2022 (ECCV), NTIRE 2022 (CVPR) and NITRE 2021 (CVPR) Workshops, a co-organizer/speaker of Tutorials on deep data compression at ACM MM 2021, CVPR 2021 and VCIP 2020.