Portrait de Yan Huang

Yan Huang

Principal Applied Scientist

À propos

Yan Huang (M’09) received the M.S.E. degree in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 2001 and the M.S. degree in Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley, in 2007. She was with the Center of Language and Speech Processing (Baltimore, MD) (1999–2001), Panasonic Speech Technologies Laboratory (Santa Barbara, CA) (2001–2002), the International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA) (2002–2008), and Li Creative Technologies (Florham Park, NJ) (2008–2010), as Research Assistant, Research Engineer, Research Associate, and Research scientist, respectively. Since 2010, she joined Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington. Currently, she is a Principal Applied Scientist in Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service speech team. Her major research interest is machine learning and its applications in speech and natural language processing. She has been working on a range of large-vocabulary speech recognition problems with an emphasis on novel end-to-end modeling, model adaptation, model robustness, unsupervised/semi-supervised learning, multi transcription-style ASR. Yan has been active as a reviewer for several journals, IEEE publications, and conferences. She participated in writing “New Era for Robust Speech Recognition: Exploiting Deep Learning”, Springer, 2017. Yan is a Senior Member of IEEE, currently she is also serving for Technical Committee of IEEE Applied Signal Processing Systems (ASPS).