Yan Lu的肖像

Yan Lu

Partner Research Manager


Yan Lu is a Partner Research Manager at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), where he oversees research on media computing and communication. He leads the team to innovate in the fields of real-time communication, computer vision, immersive computing, audio enhancement, virtualization, and mobile-cloud computing. He and his team have transferred many key technologies and research prototypes to Microsoft products such as Windows, Office, Teams and Skype, Xbox, and Azure Media Service. He’s now leading the development of neural video communication and media foundation technologies at Microsoft. Prior to joining MSRA in 2004, he was the team lead of video coding group in the JDL Lab, Institute of Computing Technology, China. From 1999 to 2000, he was with the City University of Hong Kong as a research assistant. Yan Lu has contributed a number of key technologies to international standards such as MPEG-4, H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, and AOM AV1. He was also recognized as a key technical contributor and an editor of the first version AVS video standard. He won the State Technological Invention Award (second prize) of China in 2006. Yan Lu is also an adjunct professor at University of Science and Technology of China.

News: MSRA is recruiting a Principal Researcher in Hong Kong (link (opens in new tab))!