close-up of a chip on the end of a finger

On-device ML for Object and Activity Detection

Établi : January 8, 2015

illustration of ambient-aware computing

  1. Delivered full feature-extraction IP (Verilog and C#) to the Windows Phone 8 product team for integration and shipping with the ISP
  2. Built (and helped build) end-to-end working prototype systems to demonstrate the benefits and challenges of ambient-aware computing
    • Pose detection for law enforcement with body-worn cameras
    • Low-power FPGA-based on-device image classification
    • LoRa-based networks to transmit data from vehicles over long distances
    • Fast XNOR nets with Intel and ARM CPUs for image classification on the edge
  3. Contributed presentations to the senior leadership team at the Faculty Summit, Build Conference and internal review meetings.
  4. Disseminated research results through conference papers at DATE 15, DAC 15, MCVMC 15, ISLPED 15 and TMSCS 16
  5. Filed US and international patents that protect innovations in mapping ML algorithms to edge devices for ambient-aware computing


Portrait de Matthai Philipose

Matthai Philipose

Senior Principal Researcher

Portrait de Bodhi Priyantha

Bodhi Priyantha
