Nouvelles et reportages
Dans l’actualité | GitHub
EconML Code Release v0.7.0
This is a major release, see release notes here.
Dans l’actualité | Open Data Science Conference
Machine Learning Estimation of Heterogeneouse Treatement Effects: the Microsoft EconML Library Talk
One of the biggest promises of machine learning is the automation of decision making in a multitude of application domains. A core problem that arises in most data-driven personalized decision scenarios is the estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects: what is…
Dans l’actualité | Counterfactual
Introduction to EconML Packages (meta-learners)
In recent years, research in the fusion of econometrics and machine learning has been booming. For example, related Tutorials are held in KDD2018 and NeurIPS2018. As one of the trends, Microsoft Research has published a package called EconML, and I…