Nouvelles et reportages
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Solar-power EcoPod mobile device is a pop-up on air quality
Some days, you step outside and you know that the air quality is lower or higher than the day before. But until the EcoPod, you haven’t been able to prove it. Now, you can monitor your air quality and get…
EcoPod @Farm on Ogden
Saturday, May 21 Microsoft’s EcoPod (opens in new tab) is honored to be hosted by @Chicago Botanic Garden (opens in new tab)for their Spring Plant Event at the Farm on Ogden (opens in new tab). Starting at 11am thru 4pm,…
EcoPod @EarthDay Weekend Chicago
Experience the Microsoft Urban Innovations EcoPod @EarthDay Weekend Chicago April 23 and April 24, 2022.
The DuSable Museum of African American History (opens in new tab) is a Chicago community institution and the first non-profit Museum dedicated to the collection, documentation, preservation, study and the dissemination of the history and culture of Africans and African…