
Edge Computing

成立时间:October 29, 2008

Events (we helped organize)

Research Community Service

Special Issue

2020 | Guest Editor (Victor Bahl): Call for Papers: Pervasive Computing at the Edge, IEEE Pervasive Magazine


2017 – Present | Associate Editor (Victor Bahl): ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
2017 – Present | Associate Editor (Victor Bahl): IEEE Transactions on Service Computing
2013 – Present | Advisory Board Member (Victor Bahl): IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2007-2018 | Editorial Board Member (
Victor Bahl): Foundations and Trends® in Networking

Conferences & Workshops

2019 | Program Committee Co-Chair (Ganesh Ananthanarayanan): The Fourth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing
2018 | Program Committee Co-Chair (Victor Bahl): The Third ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing
2018 | Invited Speaker (Ganesh Ananthanarayanan): IEEE Sarnoff Symposium
2018 | Program Committee Co-Chair (Ganesh Ananthanarayanan<): 10th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
2016 | Advisor & Steering Committee Member (Victor Bahl): NSF Workshop on Grand Challenges in Edge Computing
2014 – Present | (Founding) Steering Committee Member (Victor Bahl): ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing
2010-2015 | (Founding) Steering Committee Member (Victor Bahl): ACM workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing and Services (MCS)

Distinguished Seminars (on Edge Computing)

September 2018 | University of Southern California, Los Angles, CA | Ganesh Ananthanarayanan
September 11, 2017 | Rice University, Houston, Texas | Victor Bahl
April 28, 2017 | Washington University St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri | Victor Bahl
December 17, 2014 | Sorbonne Université, Paris, France | Victor Bahl
November 20, 2014 | University College of London, London, U.K.| Victor Bahl
October 3, 2014 | Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut | Victor Bahl

Panels (on Edge Computing)

November 7, 2019 | Edge Computing: Where are we today and what’s next? | Victor Bahl
February 19, 2019 | AI/ML for Communication Networks | IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computing, Networking & Communication | Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | Panelist: Victor Bahl
October 12, 2017 | Enabling Technologies for Edge Computing | Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing | San Jose, California, USA | Panelist: Victor Bahl