ezPitch: Connecting Salespersons and Customers through Relevant News

成立时间:January 16, 2016

The goal of ezPitch is connecting salespersons and customers through relevant news.

Why is this important? In the daily work, the sales persons need to search, track and explore the related news about customers before talking to them.

For example, if there is management change in the customer’s company. The sales person may need to find a way to re-build the relationship with the new leadership. If the customer’s company announces an earnings report which is negative. The sales person may need to change the sales strategy on the customer.

Let’s see that how ezPitch can provide the sales persons some good insights into their customers.

First, the users can create customers’ profile by adding entity tags, which include his customer, his company, products and industry. These entity tags are from the business knowledge graph.

Second, ezPitch can recommend relevant news based on the customers’ profiles. After reading the relevant news, you can understand how to begin a high-value conversation with your customer, and provide the matched solutions to your customers.

Third, users can take actions based on the news. For example, you can share the relevant news with your colleague, and book a meeting with your colleague to discuss the sales strategy based on the relevant news.

Fourth, users can also use natural language to ask business questions.

The core of ezPitch is business graph, which is the connection among people, organization, products and business events. The business graph is powered by Microsoft data and various technologies including entity mention detection, entity linking, dominant entity detection, news clustering and news classification. The natural language interface is powered by our semantic parsing technology.

In conclusion, ezPitch can help sales person pitch the customers by aligning their needs and sales.