human-ai interaction

Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction

成立时间:June 4, 2019

The Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction synthesize more than 20 years of thinking and research in human-AI interaction. Developed in a collaboration between Aether, Microsoft Research, and Office, the guidelines were validated through a rigorous, 4-step process described in the CHI 2019 paper, Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction. They recommend best practices for how AI systems should behave upon initial interaction, during regular interaction, when they’re inevitably wrong, and over time.

We hope you can use these Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction throughout your design process as you evaluate existing ideas, brainstorm new ones, and collaborate with the multiple disciplines involved in creating AI.

An image of the 18 Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction grouped into 4 categories of when they apply during interaction with people: initially, during regular interaction, when wrong, and over time.


Saleema Amershi的肖像

Saleema Amershi

Partner Research Manager

Daniel S. Weld的肖像

Daniel S. Weld

Thomas J. Cable / WRF Professor

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Mihaela Vorvoreanu的肖像

Mihaela Vorvoreanu

Director, UX Research and Education, Aether

Adam Fourney的肖像

Adam Fourney

Principal Researcher

Besmira Nushi的肖像

Besmira Nushi

Principal Research Manager

Penny Collisson的肖像

Penny Collisson

Principal Design Research Manager


Jina Suh的肖像

Jina Suh

Principal Researcher

Shamsi Iqbal的肖像

Shamsi Iqbal

Principal Applied and Data Science Manager

Kori Inkpen的肖像

Kori Inkpen

Senior Principal Research Manager

Jaime Teevan的肖像

Jaime Teevan

Chief Scientist & Technical Fellow

Ruth Kikin-Gil的肖像

Ruth Kikin-Gil

Senior Designer


Eric Horvitz的肖像

Eric Horvitz

Chief Scientific Officer