
成立时间:July 1, 2016


HoloGraph is a prototype Windows 10 app for visually exploring data in order to discover and share insight. The app has been designed for touch interaction, however a mouse can also be used.

Data can be loaded from .csv files (exported from Excel). Once loaded, each row in the data is represented by a block on the screen. Blocks can be flexibly mapped to position, color and size using each column in the data, or arranged into stacks. In this way, multi-dimensional data can be explored to find patterns, which may lead to new insights.

Changes in position, size, or color of the blocks are animated such that the user can maintain context between views. Labels and selections are maintained between views.

A stylus or mouse can be used to select data using a “lasso” tool. Ranges of values from any column in the data can also be used to select data. Selections can then be used to filter the data.

Once Insights have been found, they can be saved along with the data to facilitate sharing them with others.


Dave Brown的肖像

Dave Brown

Principal Engineer