Komodo: Using verification to disentangle secure-enclave hardware from software

成立时间:March 1, 2016

Komodo is a formally-verified reference monitor for an attested, secure isolated execution environment (“enclave”) on ARM TrustZone. It illustrates an alternative approach to Intel’s SGX, achieving similar security guarantees through formal verification, and allowing enclave features to evolve independently of the underlying hardware.

Komodo is described by our paper in SOSP’17 (opens in new tab). The formal specification, prototype, and proofs are available at GitHub (opens in new tab).


Andrew Ferraiuolo的肖像

Andrew Ferraiuolo

Student / Former intern

Cornell University

Chris Hawblitzel的肖像

Chris Hawblitzel

Principal Researcher

Bryan Parno的肖像

Bryan Parno

Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University