Building Next-Gen Multimodal Foundation Models for General-Purpose Assistants

LLaVA is an open-source project, collaborating with research community to advance the state-of-the-art in AI. LLaVA represents the first end-to-end trained large multimodal model (LMM) that achieves impressive chat capabilities mimicking spirits of the multimodal GPT-4. The LLaVA family continues growing to support more modalities, capabilities, applications and beyond.


Open research collaboration across universities in the research community and multiple Microsoft team, pushing the SoTA in new capabilities scale and applications etc.

Portrait de Wei-ge Chen

Wei-ge Chen

Principal Software Architect

Portrait de Hao Cheng

Hao Cheng

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Michel Galley

Michel Galley

Senior Principal Researcher

Portrait de Jianfeng Gao

Jianfeng Gao

Distinguished Scientist & Vice President

Portrait de Yong Jae Lee

Yong Jae Lee

Associate Professor

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Portrait de Lars Liden

Lars Liden

Principal Research Software Engineer Manager

Portrait de Haotian Liu

Haotian Liu

Ph.D. student

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Portrait de Xiaodong Liu

Xiaodong Liu

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Yadong Lu

Yadong Lu


Microsoft Azure AI

Portrait de Matt Mazzola

Matt Mazzola

Senior Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Tristan Naumann

Tristan Naumann

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Hoifung Poon

Hoifung Poon

General Manager, Health Futures

Portrait de Yelong Shen

Yelong Shen

Principal Researcher

Microsoft Azure AI

Portrait de Swadheen Shukla

Swadheen Shukla

Principal Program Manager

Portrait de Irina Spiridonova

Irina Spiridonova

Senior Software Engineer

Portrait de Andrea Tupini

Andrea Tupini

Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Naoto Usuyama

Naoto Usuyama

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Cliff Wong

Cliff Wong

Principal Data Scientist

Portrait de Jianwei Yang

Jianwei Yang

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Sheng Zhang

Sheng Zhang

Principal Researcher