Multiworld Testing

成立时间:November 1, 2013

Custom Decision Service (opens in new tab)
May 2017: public preview release, as a part of Cognitive Services (opens in new tab).

MWT Decision Service (opens in new tab)
Jul 2016: external announcement.

MWT Exploration library (opens in new tab)
A library for MWT, structurally compatible with learning algorithms in Vowpal Wabbit (opens in new tab).
Nov 2014: external release.

MWT white paper (opens in new tab) (rev. March 2016)
Jul 2016: rev2 released
Sep 2015: released externally

Deployment: personalized news on (opens in new tab)
Deployed on 100% of the traffic; 25% lift in clicks.
Innovation Award from Microsoft’s Universal Storefronts.


Markus Cozowicz的肖像

Markus Cozowicz

Senior Research Engineer

Miro Dudík的肖像

Miro Dudík

Sr Principal Researcher Manager

John Langford的肖像

John Langford

Partner Researcher Manager

Siddhartha Sen的肖像

Siddhartha Sen

Principal Researcher

Alex Slivkins的肖像

Alex Slivkins

Senior Principal Researcher