Perspectives Engine

Adding relatable references for large numerical values

Bing logo

Goal: Enhance the quality of “instant answer” search results by providing perspectives to put unfamiliar numbers into context.

Approach: Develop statistical models for generating perspectives and test them against several alternatives, finding beneficial effects of perspectives on comprehension.

Results: Integrated into Bing (opens in new tab)

Microsoft PowerPoint logo

Goal: Make it easier for authors and their audiences to convey information about difficult to understand numbers in their presentations.

Approach: Perspectives in Designer offers perspectives for large, hard to grasp numbers and figures. This showcases the ability to create even more impactful and effective slides for our users.

Results: Integrated into PowerPoint

Microsoft Word Icon

Goal: Make it easier for Word users to convey information about difficult to understand numbers in their documents

Approach: Perspectives has been incorporated as a type of suggestion in the Word Editor pane. This feature highlights potentially confusing numbers in documents. It then provides easy-to-understand perspective phrases that can be inserted inline to help people better understand what they’re writing or reading.

Results: Integrated into Word Editor