Platform for AI (aka. OpenPAI)

Établi : June 1, 2017

Platform for AI is an open source platform that provides complete AI model training and resource management capabilities, it is easy to extend and supports on-premise, cloud and hybrid environments in various scale.

The platform incorporates the mature design that has a proven track record in Microsoft’s large-scale production environment.

Support on-premises and easy to deploy

OpenPAI is a full stack solution. OpenPAI not only supports on-premises, hybrid, or public Cloud deployment but also supports single-box deployment for trial users.

Support popular AI frameworks and heterogeneous hardware

Pre-built docker for popular AI frameworks. Easy to include heterogeneous hardware. Support Distributed training, such as distributed TensorFlow.

Most complete solution and easy to extend

OpenPAI is a most complete solution for deep learning, support virtual cluster, compatible Hadoop / kubernetes eco-system, complete training pipeline at one cluster etc. OpenPAI is architected in a modular way: different module can be plugged in as appropriate.

Refer to the GitHub site for latest update:




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Fan Yang

Sr. Principal Research Manager

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Yanjie Gao

Senior Researcher

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Mao Yang

Assistant Managing Director

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Scarlett Li

Principal PM Manager