Program Synthesis

Établi : January 1, 2010


Program synthesis is the task of automatically discovering an executable piece of code given user intent expressed using various forms of constraints such as input-output examples, demonstrations, natural language, etc. Program synthesis has direct applications for various classes of users in the technology pyramid:

  • (100s of millions of) End Users (people who have access to a computational device but are not expert programmers): Helping them to create small snippets of code for performing repetitive tasks, simple data manipulation. In other words, enabling them to bring their creativity to life!
  • (Billions of) Students and Teachers: Intelligent tutoring systems (pdf, video) that support solution generation (the step-by-step solution to a problem is like a program! PLDI 2011, IJCAI 2013b), problem generation (of a certain difficulty level and that exercises use of certain concepts AAAI 2014, IJCAI 2013b, CHI 2013, AAAI 2012, AAAI 2015), automated grading (PLDI 2013, IJCAI 2013a) , and digital content creation (CHI 2012). Interestingly, all of these activities can be phrased as program synthesis problems.
  • Software Developers: Help synthesize mundane pieces of code.
  • Algorithm Designers: Help discover new algorithms

Recent advances in AI-style search techniques and formal reasoning techniques based on SAT/SMT solvers have made it possible to efficiently synthesize small programs. I strongly believe that the program synthesis technology is now set to create the next revolution in computing. And hence I spend most of my time working in this area: «devHIeloping new program synthesis techniques and incorporating them into easy-to-use tools» with the goal of democratizing effective use of computational devices, thereby enabling people to bring their creativity to life!

Selected Invited Talks

Dimensions in Program Synthesis [PPDP 2010]

Application Target User User Intent Search Technique
Web Search Strategies [KDD 2014] End Users Logic Natural Language Processing + Implicit Table Inference
Spreadsheet Formulas [SIGMOD 2014] End Users Natural Language Natural Language Processing + Type-based Synthesis
Smartphone Scripts [MobiSys 2013] End Users Natural Language Natural Language Processing + Type-based Synthesis
Data Extraction (from text files and web pages) [PLDI 2014] End Users Examples Version Space Algebra
Data Extraction (from semi-structured spreadsheets) [PLDI 2015] End Users Examples Version Space Algebra
String Transformations [POPL 2011, VLDB 2012, CACM 2012, ICML 2013] End Users Examples Version Space Algebra + Machine Learning
Number Transformations [CAV 2012] End Users Examples Version Space Algebra
Table Transformations [PLDI 2011] End Users Examples Version Space Algebra
XML Transformations [AAAI 2014, PLDI 2014] End Users Examples
Text Transformations [UIST 2013] End Users Set or Sequence of Examples
Geometry Drawings [CHI 2012] End Users Sketch
Geometry Ruler/Compass Constructions [PLDI 2011] Students/Teachers Logic
Geometry Proof Problems [AAAI 2014] Students/Teachers Examples
Algebraic Proof Problems [AAAI 2012] Students/Teachers Examples
Procedural Math Problems [CHI 2013] Students/Teachers Examples
Natural Deduction Problems [IJCAI 2013] Students/Teachers Examples
Grading of Introductory Programming Assignments [PLDI 2013] Students/Teachers Sample Solution Edit-distance based search using Sketch
Grading of Automata Constructions [IJCAI 2013] Students/Teachers Sample Solution Edit-distance based Search
Recursive Programs [CAV 2013] End Users Examples Goal-directed Search
Biological Synthesis [Distraction 2013] First-time PL parents (lack of) Logic Template-based and Inductive
Vectorized Code [PPoPP 2013] Software developers Loop to be vectorized Combination of Deductive and Inductive Synthesis
API Discovery and Code Completion [PLDI 2012] Software developers Partial Expression Type-based search and ranking
Program Inverses [PLDI 2011] Software developers Templates PathTesting-based synthesis + SMT solvers
Bit-vector Algorithms [PLDI 2011, ICSE 2010] Algorithm designers (Logic or Examples) + Components SMT solvers
Graph Algorithms [OOPSLA 2010] Algorithm designers Logic Inductive Learning + SAT solvers
Undergraduate Textbook Algorithms [POPL 2010] Algorithm designers Logic + Templates Invariant-based synthesis + SMT solvers
Switching Logic [ICCPS 2010, VMCAI 2009] Embedded-system designers Logic + Templates (Inductive Learning + Numerical Methods) or SMT Solvers


Portrait de Sumit Gulwani

Sumit Gulwani

Partner Research Manager