Project Hawaii

成立时间:November 9, 2012

Project Hawaii for Windows Phone

Getting Started with Development

  1. Download and install the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (opens in new tab)
    This download includes the Express edition of Visual Studio 2010. You can use these tools with the Professional edition of Visual Studio instead if you want. (See the Development Tools section below).
  2. Download and install Project Hawaii SDK (opens in new tab)
    This SDK includes documentation, sample applications, and service client libraries for each service.
  3. Create your first Application (opens in new tab)
    Windows Phone applications can be created by using either of the Silverlight or XNA framework. This how-to article uses Silverlight for demonstration purposes. It also demonstrates how to run your application in the emulator.
  4. Register with App Hub
    Unlock your phone, which is required before you can run your application on a real device. This step can take days to complete, so plan ahead.
  5. Deploy your application (opens in new tab)
    Install your application on your phone for testing.

Project Hawaii for Windows Store Apps

Getting Started with Development

  1. Install Windows 8 on your development machine (opens in new tab)
    You need Windows 8 computer for both development and testing of your application
  2. Download the tools and SDK (opens in new tab)
    Get the tools you need to build Windows apps for Windows 8. The free download includes Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 and Blend for Visual Studio to help jumpstart your app development project.
  3. Get Windows RT Certification Kit (opens in new tab)
    This kit tests your app on Windows RT before you submit it for certification and listing in the Windows Store.

Project Hawaii for Android


The Hawaii Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is intended to help Android developers use Hawaii services easily and quickly. The SDK includes client libraries and sample Android applications for the KeyValue, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Relay, Rendevezvous, SpeechToText (STT), TextToSpeech (TTS), Translator, and Path Prediction services. Android applications use these client libraries to interact with Hawaii services. To ease development, the SDK provides the complete source code and associated Eclipse project files.


Before you can use the Hawaii Android SDK:

  • Set up the Android development environment.
  • Download the Jackson library.
  • Obtain authentication credentials.

Set up the Android Development Environment

Download the Android development environment, which is available on the following website here (opens in new tab).

Ensure that you have the latest versions of the following components:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Android SDK
  • Eclipse Classic integrated development environment (IDE)
  • Eclipse ADT plug-in for Android development

Download the Jackson Library

The SDK uses the Jackson library for JavaScript object notation (JSON) serialization and deserialization. Download the Jackson library from the following website here (opens in new tab).

Ensure that you download the stable 2.x version, which includes the following three files:

  • Jackson-core-2.x.jar
  • Jackson-annotations-2.x.jar
  • Jackson-databind-2.x.jar