Project Hawaii

成立时间:November 9, 2012

Project Hawaii in the Classroom

Teach cloud-enabled mobile computing

In partnership with universities around the world, Project Hawaii enables students to develop inventive cloud-enhanced mobile applications. Students at participating universities can use Windows Phone for accessing a set of innovative cloud services and Windows Azure for computation and data storage.

Interested in using Project Hawaii in your teaching? Send us your proposal.

Send Us Your Proposal

  1. Download the proposal form (opens in new tab).
  2. Submit your completed proposal to us (opens in new tab). (opens in new tab)

Faculty Resources

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Courtesy Prof. Rajesh Balan (opens in new tab), Singapore Management University

Mobile and Pervasive Technology and Applications: Definitions and Technology Soup

Understand the basic definitions and technology of mobile and pervasive computing. Understand the various terms used in mobile technology and have a sense of what they mean and how they are applied.

Mobile and Pervasive Technology and Applications: Location and Context

Understand the challenges associated with location detection. Represent location information on a global map and find location of other people. Get an insight into the issues of privacy and security associated with location sharing.

Related Research Papers

Courtesy Prof. Nilanjan Banerjee (opens in new tab), University of Arkansas

Why and What of Mobile and Pervasive Computing?

Where am I: Localization?

How do I get data over the air: Mobile and Wireless Networking?

Using Resources in the cloud: Cloud Computing in Mobile Systems and applications

Damn! Why does my phone die when I need it most? Energy Management?