Project Acoustics: Making Waves with Triton

Project Acoustics: Making Waves with Triton

Project Acoustics is now available for all game developers and sound designers to use. It employs the Triton technology developed in Microsoft Research for accurate sound propagation using wave physics.…
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Parametric Directional Coding for Precomputed Sound Propagation

Parametric Directional Coding for Precomputed Sound Propagation

Convincing audio for games and virtual reality requires modeling directional propagation effects. The initial sound’s arrival direction is particularly salient and derives from multiply-diffracted paths in complex scenes…
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Gears of War 4, Project Triton: Pre-Computed Environmental Wave Acoustics

Gears of War 4, Project Triton: Pre-Computed Environmental Wave Acoustics

In this 2017 GDC talk, Microsoft’s Nikunj Raghuvanshi and John Tennant discuss both the technical and design aspects of Project Titan, a new audio system that robustly models complex wave phenomena such as diffraction…
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Parametric Directional Coding for Precomputed Sound Propagation

Parametric Wave Field Coding for Precomputed Sound Propagation

The acoustic wave field in a complex scene is a chaotic 7D function of time and the positions of source and listener, making it difficult to compress and interpolate. This hampers precomputed approaches which tabulate impulse…
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Wave-Based Sound Propagation in Large Open Scenes using an Equivalent Source Formulation

Wave-Based Sound Propagation in Large Open Scenes using an Equivalent Source Formulation

We present a novel approach for wave-based sound propagation suitable for large, open spaces spanning hundreds of meters, with a small memory footprint. The scene is decomposed into disjoint rigid objects. The free-field acoustic…
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Sound Synthesis for Impact Sounds in Video Games

Sound Synthesis for Impact Sounds in Video Games

We present an interactive system for synthesizing high quality, physically based audio on current video game consoles. From a recorded impact sound, we compute a modal model, which we use to synthesize variations of the sound…
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Gears of War 4, Project Triton: Pre-Computed Environmental Wave Acoustics

Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes

We present a method for real-time sound propagation that captures all wave effects, including diffraction and reverberation, for multiple moving sources and a moving listener in a complex, static 3D scene…
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Aerophones in Flatland: Interactive Wave Simulation of Wind Instruments

Aerophones in Flatland: Interactive Wave Simulation of Wind Instruments

We present the first real-time technique to synthesize full bandwidth sounds for 2D virtual wind instruments. A novel interactive wave solver is proposed that synthesizes audio at 128,000Hz on commodity graphics cards. Simulating…
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