Post-Quantum Cryptography Team SIDH / SIKE

Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE)

SIKE and SIDH are insecure and should not be used. For more information, please refer to the SIKE team’s statement to NIST.

Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE) is a post-quantum cryptography collaboration between researchers and engineers at Amazon, Florida Atlantic University, Infosec Global, Microsoft Research, Radboud University, Texas Instruments, Université de Versailles, and the University of Waterloo.

SIKE is a family of post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms based on the Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) key exchange protocol. The algorithms use arithmetic operations on elliptic curves defined over finite fields and compute maps, so-called isogenies, between such curves. The security of SIDH and SIKE relies on the hardness of finding a specific isogeny between two such elliptic curves, or equivalently, of finding a path between them in the isogeny graph. This problem is different from that of computing discrete logarithms on a single elliptic curve.

The SIDH protocol was first introduced by Jao and De Feo in 2011 and is at the core of a public key encryption scheme which is then used to construct the key encapsulation mechanism SIKE. Further details about the design and performance of SIKE can be accessed in the links below.

Learn more:

SIKE homepage

More information on this work can also be found on our main Post-Quantum Cryptography Project page.


Portrait de Reza Azarderakhsh

Reza Azarderakhsh

Assistant Professor

Florida Atlantic University

Portrait de Matthew Campagna

Matthew Campagna

Principal Security Engineer


Portrait de Craig Costello

Craig Costello


Portrait de Luca De Feo

Luca De Feo

Invited Researcher & Assistant Professor

UVSQ and Inria, Université de Paris-Saclay

Portrait de Basil Hess

Basil Hess

Chief Cryptographic Engineer

InfoSec Global

Portrait de Amir Jalali

Amir Jalali

PhD candidate

Florida Atlantic University

Portrait de David Jao

David Jao

Associate Professor

University of Waterloo

Portrait de Brian Koziel

Brian Koziel

Digital Design Engineer

Texas Instruments

Portrait de Patrick Longa

Patrick Longa

Senior Researcher

Portrait de Michael Naehrig

Michael Naehrig

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Joost Renes

Joost Renes

PhD student

Radbound University

Portrait de Vladimir Soukharev

Vladimir Soukharev

Chief Post-Quantum Researcher & Cryptographer

InfoSec Global

Portrait de David Urbanik

David Urbanik

Graduate Student

University of Waterloo