An illustration of the top of the statue of The Thinker by Rodin. There is a nest in his head, with three chicks sticking out, and their parent bird flying above.

Tools for Thought

Using AI to Enhance the Way We Think


The Tools for Thought team is interdisciplinary, mixing experts in social science, computer science, engineering, and design. Our workstreams reflect this mix, combining depth in user research, cutting-edge technology, and new user experiences.

Portrait de Abigail Sellen

Abigail Sellen

Distinguished Scientist and Lab Director

Portrait de Advait Sarkar

Advait Sarkar

Senior Researcher

Portrait de Ava Scott

Ava Scott


Portrait de Britta Burlin

Britta Burlin

Principal Design Manager

Portrait de Gonzalo Ramos

Gonzalo Ramos

Principal Researcher

Portrait de Ian Drosos

Ian Drosos


Portrait de Jack Williams

Jack Williams

Senior Researcher

Portrait de Lev Tankelevitch

Lev Tankelevitch

Senior Researcher

Portrait de Martin Grayson

Martin Grayson

Principal Research Software Development Engineer

Portrait de Payod Panda

Payod Panda

Design Engineering Researcher

Portrait de Pratik Ghosh

Pratik Ghosh

Senior Research Designer

Portrait de Richard Banks

Richard Banks

Principal Design Manager

Portrait de Sean Rintel

Sean Rintel

Senior Principal Research Manager