Graph Storage and Analysis

An explosion of user-generated data from online social networks motivates analysis to extract deep insights from this data’s graph at scale, even of social, temporal, spatial, and topical connections. We are building systems to enable storage and analysis of such graphs that considers characteristics such as evolution over time when trending topics or social activities change. We also leverage graph computation techniques to accelerate traditional machine learning tasks.


Portrait de Youshan Miao

Youshan Miao

Senior Researcher

Portrait de Thomas Moscibroda

Thomas Moscibroda

Distinguished Engineer Azure Core Platform Capacity & Efficiency Microsoft Azure

Portrait de Jilong Xue

Jilong Xue

Principal Researcher/ Research Manager

Portrait de Fan Yang

Fan Yang

Sr. Principal Research Manager

Portrait de Lidong Zhou

Lidong Zhou

Corporate Vice President, Chief Scientist of Microsoft Asia Pacific R&D Group, Managing Director of Microsoft Research Asia