Trill Microsoft Project and Download


成立时间:January 1, 2012

Trill is a high-performance open-source in-memory incremental analytics library. It can handle both real-time and offline data, and is based on a temporal data and query model. Trill can be used as a streaming engine, a lightweight in-memory relational engine, and as a progressive query processor (for early query results on partial data).

You can learn more about Trill from the publications below, or from our slides here pdf (opens in new tab) | pptx (opens in new tab).

Trill is now open-source, and is available on GitHub here (opens in new tab)!


Badrish Chandramouli的肖像

Badrish Chandramouli

Partner Research Manager

James Terwilliger的肖像

James Terwilliger

Principal Software Engineer

Peter Freiling的肖像

Peter Freiling

Senior Software Engineer

Yinan Li的肖像

Yinan Li

Principal Researcher

Rob DeLine的肖像

Rob DeLine

Senior Principal Researcher