Wi-Fi Ads

Établi : July 28, 2007

Delivering Location-Based Content to Clients Over Wi-Fi Networks


Many consumers carry portable electronic devices, smartphones, personal digital assistants, or laptops that can connect to Wi-Fi networks. Location-sensitive advertisements, ads targeted to a Wi-Fi user based in part on the physical location of that user, will be an important market in the near future. We have developed two schemes for distributing location-sensitive ads to Wi-Fi devices: BeaconStuffing and Neighborcast.

BeaconStuffing fragments large messages, and embeds them in Wi-Fi beacons. This approach has three advantages:

  • We do not require information from the client device to deliver ads to the client.
  • We do not require the client to have Internet connectivity. In fact, we can deliver ads even when the client is connected to a different Wi-Fi network.
  • We can supply dynamic information to consumers in real time. For example, a restaurant can continuously advertise an expected wait time to all wireless clients in its vicinity.

In recent work, we developed a technique called Neighborcast, which enables group communication among physically nearby clients, even when the clients are on different frequency channels or connected to different Wi-Fi Access Points. We define two clients to be near if they can hear a common Wi-Fi Access Point, and construct an IP overlay spanning physically nearby clients. This technique enables retailers to send location-based advertisements/annoucements to all physically nearby clients.

Neighborcast is complimentary to BeaconStuffing. Neighborcast does not require modifications to the Access Points or the Wi-Fi drivers on the clients, and has a wider reach — content can be delivered to clients that do not even hear the retailer’s Access Point. However, compared to BeaconStuffing, it cannot deliver content to disconnected Wi-Fi clients.

The WiFiAds project is a joint collaboration between the Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond and the Mobility, Network and Systems Group at Microsoft Research, India.


Portrait de Alec Wolman

Alec Wolman

Partner Research Manager

Portrait de Jitu Padhye

Jitu Padhye

Partner Development Lead

Portrait de Ranveer Chandra

Ranveer Chandra

Managing Director, Research for Industry