@inproceedings{narasayya2009a, author = {Narasayya, Vivek and Ramamurthy, Ravi and Elmongui, Hicham}, title = {A Framework for Testing Query Transformation Rules}, year = {2009}, month = {June}, abstract = {In order to enable extensibility, modern query optimizers typically leverage a transformation rule based framework. Testing individual rule correctness as well as correctness of rule interactions is crucial in verifying the functionality of a query optimizer. While there has been a lot of work on how to architect optimizers for extensibility using a rule based framework, there has been relatively little work on how to test such optimizers. In this paper we present a framework for testing query transformation rules which enables: (a) efficient generation of queries that exercise a particular transformation rule or a set of rules and (b) efficient execution of corresponding test suites for correctness testing.}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/a-framework-for-testing-query-transformation-rules/}, }