@inproceedings{abadi2005access, author = {Abadi, Martin and Birrell, Andrew and Wobber, Ted}, title = {Access Control in a World of Software Diversity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems}, year = {2005}, month = {June}, abstract = {We describe a new design for authentication and access control. In this design, principals embody a flexible notion of authentication. They are compound principals that reflect the identities of the programs that have executed, even those of login programs. These identities are based on a naming tree. Our access control lists are patterns that recognize principals. We show how this design supports a variety of access control scenarios.}, publisher = {USENIX}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/access-control-in-a-world-of-software-diversity/}, edition = {Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems}, }