AdaTune: Adaptive Tensor Program Compilation Made Efficient

  • Menghao Li ,
  • Minjia Zhang ,
  • Chi Wang ,
  • Mingqin Li

34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020) |

Deep learning models are computationally intense, and implementations often have to be highly optimized by experts or hardware vendors to be usable in practice. The DL compiler, together with Learning-to-Compile has proven to be a powerful technique for optimizing tensor programs. However, a limitation of this approach is that it still suffers from unbearably long overall optimization time. In this paper, we present a new method, called AdaTune, that significantly reduces the optimization time of tensor programs for high-performance deep learning inference. In particular, we propose an adaptive evaluation method that statistically early terminates a costly hardware measurement without losing much accuracy. We further devise a surrogate model with uncertainty quantification that allows the optimization to adapt to hardware and model heterogeneity better. Finally, we introduce a contextual optimizer that provides adaptive control of the exploration and exploitation to improve the transformation space searching effectiveness. We evaluate and compare the levels of optimization obtained by AutoTVM, a state-of-the-art Learning-to-Compile technique on top of TVM, and AdaTune. The experiment results show that AdaTune obtains up to 115% higher GFLOPS than the baseline under the same optimization time budget. Furthermore, AdaTune provides 1.3–3.9\(\times\) speedup in optimization time over the baseline to reach the same optimization quality for a range of models across different hardware architectures.