@techreport{borgs1999an, author = {Borgs, Christian and Coninck, J. De and Kotecky, R.}, title = {An Equilibrium Lattice Model of Wetting on Rough Substrates}, year = {1999}, month = {February}, abstract = {We consider a semi-infinite 3-dimensional Ising system with a rough wall to describe the effect of the roughness r of the substrate on wetting. We show that the difference of wall free energies Δτ(r)=τAW(r)−τBW(r) of the two phases behaves like Δτ(r)∼rΔτ(1), where r=1 characterizes a purely flat surface, confirming at low enough temperature and small roughness the validity of Wenzel's law, cos θ(r)≈r cos θ(1), which relates the contact angle θ of a sessile droplet to the roughness of the substrate.}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/an-equilibrium-lattice-model-of-wetting-on-rough-substrates/}, pages = {19}, number = {MSR-TR-98-18}, }