@inproceedings{barham2005anemone, author = {Barham, Paul and Donnelly, Austin and Mortier, Richard and Isaacs, Rebecca}, title = {Anemone: Edge-based network management}, booktitle = {INFOCOM 2005}, year = {2005}, month = {March}, abstract = {This proposal describes the Anemone project and a demonstration of the work so far. The project is developing an edge-based IP network management platform which utilises only information collected at the edges of the network, eschewing the need to collect data in the network core. Devoting a small fraction of hosts' idle cycles, disk space, and network bandwidth to network management allows inference of network-wide traffic patterns by synthesising end-system flow statistics with dynamic topology information obtained through passive snooping of IP routeing protocols. We claim that this approach will provide a more complete view of the network that supports sophisticated traffic engineering queries to supply the global statistics necessary to automate network control, and is future-proofed against increasing deployment of encrypting and tunnelling protocols.}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/anemone-edge-based-network-management/}, edition = {INFOCOM 2005}, }