@inproceedings{kshirsagar2021becoming, author = {Kshirsagar, Meghana and Yang, Siyu and Robinson, Caleb and Gholami, Shahrzad and Klyuzhin, Ivan and Mukherjee, Sumit and Nasir, Md and Ortiz, Anthony and Oviedo, Felipe and Tanner, Darren and Trivedi, Anusua and Xu, Yixi and Zhong, Ming and Dilkina, Bistra and Dodhia, Rahul and Lavista Ferres, Juan M.}, title = {Becoming Good at AI for Good}, booktitle = {AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES'21)}, year = {2021}, month = {April}, abstract = {AI for Good (AI4G) projects involve developing and applying artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions to further goals in areas such as sustainability, health, humanitarian aid, and social justice. Developing and deploying such solutions must be done in collaboration with partners who are experts in the domain in question and who already have experience in making progress towards such goals. Based on our experiences, we detail the different aspects of this type of collaboration broken down into four high-level categories: communication, data, modeling, and impact, and distill eleven takeaways to guide such projects in the future. We briefly describe two case studies to illustrate how some of these takeaways were applied in practice during our past collaborations.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/becoming-good-at-ai-for-good/}, }