@article{encarnacin1997black-box, author = {Encarnación, Mark}, title = {Black-Box Polynomial Resultants}, year = {1997}, month = {February}, abstract = {A black-box polynomial is a multivariate polynomial that is represented by a program that evaluates the polynomial at an arbitrary point supplied as input. The paper describes an algorithm for constructing a black box for the resultant of two black-box polynomials. The only computationally nontrivial step in the construction is that which determines the degrees of the input black boxes in the variable being eliminated; if those degrees are known, then the black-box resultant can be constructed in a bounded amount of time. Let N be an upper bound for the degrees of the input polynomials. The black-box resultant can be evaluated at an arbitrary point with O(N) calls to the input black boxes and O(N2) arithmetic operations.}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/black-box-polynomial-resultants/}, pages = {201-204}, journal = {Information Processing Letters, Issue 4}, volume = {61}, }