@inproceedings{li2021cardinality, author = {Li, Beibin and Lu, Yao and Wang, Chi and Kandula, Srikanth}, title = {Cardinality Estimation: Is Machine Learning a Silver Bullet?}, booktitle = {AIDB}, year = {2021}, month = {August}, abstract = {Cardinality estimation (CE) aims for high accuracy, small storage, fast building and low query answering latency. We analyze the upper error bounds of random uniform sampling for single-table CE and use them as the accuracy target for machine learning (ML)-based CE. Our analysis indicates that ML-based CE exhibits no Pareto advantage over random uniform sampling but provides a tradeoff among the metrics of interest. We outline such tradeoffs and point out the scenarios when ML-based CE can be useful and when sampling can help.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/cardinality-estimation-is-machine-learning-a-silver-bullet/}, }