@inproceedings{oh2022deview, author = {Oh, ChangSeok and Lee, Sangho and Qian, Chenxiong and Koo, Hyungjoon and Lee, Wenke}, title = {DeView: Confining Progressive Web Applications by Debloating Web APIs}, booktitle = {38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2022)}, year = {2022}, month = {December}, abstract = {A progressive web application (PWA) becomes an attractive option for building universal applications based on feature-rich web application programming interfaces (Web APIs). While flexible, such vast APIs inevitably bring a significant increase in an API attack surface, which commonly corresponds to a functionality that is neither needed nor wanted by the application. A promising approach to reduce the API attack surface is software debloating, a technique wherein an unused functionality is programmatically removed from an application or API. Unfortunately, debloating PWAs is challenging, given the monolithic design and non-deterministic execution of a modern web browser. In this paper, we present DeView, a practical approach that reduces the attack surface of a PWA by blocking unnecessary but accessible web APIs. DeView tackles the challenges of PWA debloating by i) record-and-replay web API pro- filing that identifies needed web APIs on an app-by-app basis by replaying (recorded) browser interactions and ii) compiler-assisted browser debloating that eliminates the entry functions of corresponding web APIs from the mapping between web API and its entry point at a binary level. Our evaluation shows the effectiveness and practicality of DeView. DeView successfully eliminates 91.8% of accessible web APIs while i) maintaining original functionalities and ii) preventing 76.3% of known exploits on average.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/deview-confining-progressive-web-applications-by-debloating-web-apis/}, }