@article{martin2014early, author = {Martin, Eric and Carlson, Jonathan M. and Le, Anh Q and Chopera, Denis R and McGovern, Rachel and Rahman, Manal A and Ng, Carmond and Jessen, Heiko and Kelleher, Anthony D and Markowitz, Martin and Allen, Todd M and Milloy, MJ and Carrington, Mary and Wainberg, Mark A and Brumme, Zabrina L}, title = {Early immune adaptation in HIV-1 revealed by population-level approaches}, year = {2014}, month = {August}, abstract = {The reproducible nature of HIV-1 escape from HLA-restricted CD8+ T-cell responses allows the identification of HLA-associated viral polymorphisms “at the population level” – that is, via analysis of cross-sectional, linked HLA/HIV-1 genotypes by statistical association. However, elucidating their timing of selection traditionally requires detailed longitudinal studies, which are challenging to undertake on a large scale. We investigate whether the extent and relative timecourse of immune-driven HIV adaptation can be inferred via comparative cross-sectional analysis of independent early and chronic infection cohorts.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/early-immune-adaptation-hiv-1-revealed-population-level-approaches/}, journal = {Retrovirology}, edition = {Retrovirology}, }