@article{encarnacin1998an, author = {Encarnación, Mark}, title = {An Efficient Method For Computing Resultant Systems}, year = {1998}, month = {November}, abstract = {A resultant system of a finite set of polynomials in two homogeneous variables is a finite set of polynomials in the coefficients of the original polynomials whose vanishing is a necessary and sufficient condition for the original polynomials to have a common non-trivial zero. We present an efficient general method for computing resultant systems. If there are s polynomials and each has degree at most d, the resultant system will have O(s2d) polynomials, each of which will have degree at most d2.}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/efficient-method-computing-resultant-systems/}, pages = {243-245}, journal = {Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC), Issue 3}, volume = {9}, }