@inproceedings{singh2023emfore, author = {Singh, Mukul and Cambronero, José and Gulwani, Sumit and Le, Vu and Verbruggen, Gust}, title = {EmFore: Online Learning of Email Folder Classification Rules}, booktitle = {CIKM '23: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, year = {2023}, month = {October}, abstract = {Modern email clients support predicate-based folder assignment rules that can automatically organize emails. Unfortunately, users still need to write these rules manually. Prior machine learning approaches have framed automatically assigning email to folders as a classification task and do not produce symbolic rules. Prior inductive logic programming (ILP) approaches, which generate symbolic rules, fail to learn efficiently in the online environment needed for email management. To close this gap, we present EmFORE, an online system that learns symbolic rules for email classification from observations. Our key insights to do this successfully are: (1) learning rules over a folder abstraction that supports quickly determining candidate predicates to add or replace terms in a rule, (2) ensuring that rules remain consistent with historical assignments, (3) ranking rule updates based on existing predicate and folder name similarity, and (4) building a rule suppression model to avoid surfacing low-confidence folder predictions while keeping the rule for future use. We evaluate on two popular public email corpora and compare to 13 baselines, including state-of-the-art folder assignment systems, incremental machine learning, ILP and transformer-based approaches. We find that EmFORE performs significantly better, updates four orders of magnitude faster, and is more robust than existing methods and baselines.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/emfore-online-learning-of-email-folder-classification-rules/}, }