@article{anselmetti2019end-to-end, author = {Anselmetti, G. L. R. and Martinez, E. A. and Ménard, G. C. and Puglia, D. and Malinowski, F. K. and Lee, J. S. and Choi, S. and Pendharkar, M. and Palmstrøm, C. J. and Marcus, Charles and Casparis, Lucas and Higginbotham, Andrew}, title = {End-to-end correlated subgap states in hybrid nanowires}, year = {2019}, month = {November}, abstract = {End-to-end correlated bound states are investigated in superconductor-semiconductor hybrid nanowires at zero magnetic field. Peaks in subgap conductance are independently identified from each wire end, and a cross-correlation function is computed that counts end-to-end coincidences, averaging over thousands of subgap features. Strong correlations in a short, 300-nm device are reduced by a factor of 4 in a long, 900-nm device. In addition, subgap conductance distributions are investigated, and correlations between the left and right distributions are identified based on their mutual information.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/end-to-end-correlated-subgap-states-in-hybrid-nanowires/}, pages = {205412}, journal = {Physical Review B}, volume = {100}, number = {20}, }