@article{svore2013faster, author = {Svore, Krysta M. and Hastings, Matthew and Freedman, Michael}, title = {Faster Phase Estimation}, year = {2013}, month = {April}, abstract = {We develop several algorithms for performing quantum phase estimation based on basic measurements and classical post-processing. We present a pedagogical review of quantum phase estimation and simulate the algorithm to numerically determine its scaling in circuit depth and width. We show that the use of purely random measurements requires a number of measurements that is optimal up to constant factors, albeit at the cost of exponential classical post-processing; the method can also be used to improve classical signal processing. We then develop a quantum algorithm for phase estimation that yields an asymptotic improvement in runtime, coming within a factor of log* of the minimum number of measurements required while still requiring only minimal classical post-processing. The corresponding quantum circuit requires asymptotically lower depth and width (number of qubits) than quantum phase estimation.}, publisher = {Rinton Press}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/faster-phase-estimation/}, pages = {306-328}, journal = {Quantum Information and Computation}, volume = {14}, edition = {Quantum Information and Computation}, }