FLARE: Fast Layout for Augmented Reality Applications

  • ,
  • Lior Shapira ,
  • Eyal Ofek ,
  • Pushmeet Kohli

Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on |

Published by IEEE


Creating a layout for an augmented reality (AR) application which embeds virtual objects in a physical environment is difficult as it must adapt to any physical space. We propose a rule-based framework for generating object layouts for AR applications. Under our framework, the developer of an AR application specifies a set of rules (constraints) which enforce self-consistency (rules regarding the inter-relationships of application components) and scene consistency (application components are consistent with the physical environment they are placed in). When a user enters a new environment, we create, in real-time, a layout for the application, which is consistent with the defined constraints (as much as possible). We find the optimal configurations for each object by solving a constraint-satisfaction problem. Our stochastic move making algorithm is domain-aware, and allows us to efficiently converge to a solution for most rule-sets. In the paper we demonstrate several augmented reality applications that automatically adapt to different rooms and changing circumstances in each room.

FLARE: Fast Layout for Augmented Reality Applications

Creating a layout for an augmented reality (AR) application which embeds virtual objects in a physical environment is difficult as it must adapt to any physical space. We propose a rule-based framework for generating object layouts for AR applications. Under our framework, the developer of an AR application specifies a set of rules (constraints) which enforce self-consistency (rules regarding the inter-relationships of application components) and sceneconsistency (application components are consistent with the physical environment they are placed in). When a user enters a new environment, we create, in real-time, a layout for the application, which is consistent with the defined constraints (as much as possible). We find the optimal configurations for each object by solving a constraint-satisfaction problem. Our stochastic move making algorithm is domain-aware,…

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