@article{bauer2013gapped, author = {Bauer, Bela and Keller, Brendan P and Dolfi, Michele and Trebst, Simon and Ludwig, Andreas WW}, title = {Gapped and gapless spin liquid phases on the Kagome lattice from chiral three-spin interactions}, year = {2013}, month = {March}, abstract = {We argue that a relatively simple model containing only SU(2)-invariant chiral three-spin interactions on a Kagome lattice of S = 1/2 spins can give rise to both a gapped and a gapless quantum spin liquid. Our arguments are rooted in a formulation in terms of network models of edge states and are backed up by a careful numerical analysis. For a uniform choice of chirality on the lattice, we realize the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state, i.e. a gapped spin liquid which is identified as the ν = 1/2 bosonic Laughlin state. For staggered chiralities, a gapless spin liquid emerges which exhibits gapless spin excitations along lines in momentum space, a feature that we probe by studying quasi-two-dimensional systems of finite width. We thus provide a single, appealingly simple spin model (i) for what is probably the simplest realization of the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state to date, as well as (ii) for a non-Fermi liquid state with lines of gapless SU(2) spin excitations.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/gapped-gapless-spin-liquid-phases-kagome-lattice-chiral-three-spin-interactions/}, }